What is Sustainability?

The most often used definition of sustainability is, "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Sustainability practice initiatives support the three pillars of sustainability, which are 1) Economic Development, 2) Social Development, and 3) Environmental Protection. In other words, we need to leave the planet in better condition than how we found it. We are visitors of this remarkable planet, thus humans and nature need to coexist to benefit each other. Therefore, creating and maintaining new practices are important in making sure the future for us and nature is bright and promising. Earth is our home, so we should protect it. 

Tips to being Sustainable

Savor Surf encourages everyone to live a sustainable lifestyle that preserves the environment we live in. There are simple ways to reduce your ecological footprint and take environmental issues into your own hands. The first step is just about educating and informing others about why the environment is important and how you can live a sustainable day-to-day life. Our goal is to reach out to people in order to protect the oceans we swim in, the air that we breathe, and the land we explore.

Save Water

Being based in Southern California, we know that using water efficiently is important. Water is a finite resource, which should not be taken for granted. Less than 1% of the water on Earth is available to drink, while 20% of the world’s population lacks safe drinking water. Knowing this, don't waste water. Some tips in conserving water include: limit your shower lengths from 3-5 minutes a day, use rain water for watering your plants in the morning instead of in the middle of the day, don't use as much water when washing your dishes, turn off the tap in between brushing your teeth and washing your hands, and lastly, just finish your water before refilling. Stay cautious throughout the day of your water use and make sure not to be taking available water for granted. 

Reduce Waste

Reducing your waste is important. Stay away from plastic and Styrofoam cups and plates because the last thing you want to see in your community or along beaches is preventable waste. Instead, you should choose products that are reusable and refillable. For example, bring your own reusable bag when shopping and carry a travel mug for drinking on the go. As for food, only take what you can eat; it's that simple. Make a list prior to grocery shopping and stick to that list. Lastly, take the initiative. If you see trash, just pick it up. Lets do our part to take care of our communities and the coast clean because waste is making its way into the ocean and harming wildlife. Next time you are enjoying a relaxing day at the beach, take a look around and notice all the plastic and cigarette butts lying there. 

Conserve Energy

Use less energy and depend less on fossil fuels. You can conserve energy and emit fewer fossils by implementing daily alternatives in energy consumption. One easy way to save energy is by turning off lights during the day and whenever you are not occupying an area. Natural light is your best friend in saving energy, so use it whenever possible. We all love air conditioning, but don't over use it cooling and heating your homes. Furthermore, we all own energy sucking appliances in our own household, but try to turn them off when not in use or set them on a timer. Furthermore, as far as technology goes, you don't need to upgrade when the new best thing comes out. Keep what you have until it dies or just outdated. Lastly, when buying new products, make sure to take into account energy consumption and make sure to compare it to other brands. If you follow these tips and others, you will reduce your daily energy consumption easily. 

Plant Trees & Grow plants

Sustainable landscaping is important. Planting trees will sequester carbon and help stop climate change by removing carbon dioxide from the air. Planting trees provide many benefits in our everyday lives. They clean our air and water, attract birds and wildlife, provide shade, and provide aesthetic beauty to your home and community. Furthermore, building a sustainable home garden is a great way to nourish yourself physically, as well as nourish your home aesthetically. Organic home gardens are sustainable because they have an overall goal of conserving resources. If you have never owned a plant and don't know where to start, go out and buy yourself a succulent. They are easy to take care of and are a great way to introduce yourself into growing a resourceful sustainable home landscape.

Stay Healthy & Happy

Staying healthy and happy is important in living a sustainable lifestyle because if you feel good, then you will feel motivated to make a difference and educate others on how to live this kind of lifestyle. Eat well and decrease stress in your life by simply going out and savoring the outdoors. Roam the coast, surf a wave, or explore a forest. Nature is a vast and beautiful place to explore and realize first hand that it is important to conserve not only for its aesthetic importance, but also for social and economic value for future generations.